October 12, 2013

Hogle Zoo, July 2010
  Every time we go to the zoo, we must take a picture of the kids next to the silhouette of gorillas.  Just above this it says, "How do you measure up?"  This was the last time we went to this zoo.  I don't want to even think about how much closer my kids are to measuring up to the male gorilla.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my goodness, how lame am I? I looked at that picture and it seriously took me several seconds to register that the boy on the left wasn't one of your kids. Then, it took me a couple more to realize it was one of mine. Then, I couldn't figure out which one of mine it was--Pepper, Adam, Luke?

    Duh. It's Luke. Luke, my son, the only one of my children younger than your girls. Good grief.
