May 2, 2012

  Tuesday evening we flew from Paris to Berlin, to stay at my sister Jill's house for the remainder of the week.  She was our official tour guide today.  We began at the Brandenburg Gate...

then walked over to this building (honestly I can't remember what it is exactly.  A governemt building?  Impressive none the less.)

    Next we came to the Memorial to the Murdered Jew of Europe.  The designer of this memorial purposely made the ground uneven to make those who walk through it feel insecure, as the Jews felt during this time. 

   We ended our tour at this site where the Berlin wall once was.

  Whitney, Mom, Jill, Jami, Jenny (hidden), Ashley

   Oh, Jame...

1 comment:

  1. A) I must be a lousy tour guide if I didn't tell you what the Reichstag is (it's the German Parliament building).

    B) I have such a mother-bum. I will remember not to allow myself to be photographed from behind.
