October 7, 2012

  This may come as a surprise to you, but I actually stop myself from posting about food a lot.  Even though this picture could nearly be interchanged with 5 or so other shots I've taken of food on my countertop.  But I had to post about this because I've decided I want this blog to be a snapshot of our family life.  This meal is what we have had every General Conference weekend since we lived in New Jersey, about 10 years.  There was one year when I was newly pregnant with Sydney and the smell of the meat cooking all day was too much for me to handle and  about put an early end to the tradition.  But I was able to recover from that over the next six months and make it again. 
   The meal consists of hot beef sandwiches with white American cheese (a must-have addition), some sort of creamy salad (frog-eye salad this time), pie (always chocolate for Jeff and usually apple or lemon merigue for the rest of us), and soda.  I usually prepare the salad and pie on Saturday night, so on Sunday all I have to do is put the meat in the crockpot.  Easy breezy.  Hey, if I'm told I don't have to do anything on Sunday but sit in front of the t.v., I'm not about to ruin that with cooking.

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